il fiume Ticino e sullo sfondo il Monte Rosa

Benvenuto sul mio sito. sono una Guida naturalistica ed escursionistica, amo la natura la fotografia e i viaggi alla scoperta di ambienti e culture differenti. clicca qui per conoscermi meglio

per visionare il calendario delle prossime camminate e attivita' in programma clicca qui

per vedere il mio catalogo attivita' ed escursioni che propongo a scuole, gruppi, societa', adulti e bambini clicca qui

vuoi maggiori informazioni ? su me e sulle attivita' che propongo? suggerimenti ? clicca qui a finaco e ti rispondero'

vuoi ricevere la newsletter mensile o trimestrale? cosi' rimani aggiornato sulle uscite programmate.

vuoi suggerimenti per visitare qualche bel posto , sagra e feste tipiche, spettacoli naturali...? vai alla sezione BLOG cliccando qui

ti piacciono le foto e i viaggi , magari in posti insoliti e con uno sguardo particolare alla natura e agli animali del posto? cliccando qui visionerai alcune belle foto

oppure vuoi qualche ispirazione per la tua anima?

These pages illustrate my passions: photography and travel in nature and now they have also become my profession. I am a nature and excursion guide. CLICK HERE TO KNOW ME BETTER

I accompany adults children groups schools associations in nature, to discover the wonders of the Ticino Park of the lakes and provinces of Lombardy, with excursions of various levels and duration, from simple flat walks of 1 hour, to more structured tours with some altitude difference from 2 3 hours, up to full days immersed in nature and soon also trekking of several days of various levels.

being "accompanied" by a guide to discover the beauties of nature is a significant added value because it allows us to understand the environment that surrounds us with a new vision, the relationships between us and it, what can be the actions to improve our contribution to the protection of delicate habitats, how to respect fauna and flora and recognize it in order to protect it, thus giving us a satisfying effect of well-being and satisfaction in the few hours we spend in nature.

in the EXCURSIONS INDEX you will find the proposals of environmental naturalistic excursions of various levels accompanied by descriptive cards on the places visited and characteristics of the path, and also THE CALENDAR of those in programming to which you can subscribe

you can register to RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER that keeps you updated on the programmed outputs-

I hope you will also enjoy the view of BEAUTIFUL IMAGES and ideas for your future explorations in the world by visiting the exploration section, or you will discover surprises outside the home or reachable with a few hours by car, or on the other side of the world .... by visiting THE BLOG

Good navigation ... and if you get lost physically, you can find INSPIRATIONS for your soul ... Namastè